質量特性/剛体特性計測 レゾニック・ジャパン
Resonic: new measurement solutions for complete inertia properties

Company Company

Resonic specializes in the development of measurement systems for complete inertia properties.

Profound know-how in the fields of modal analysis, multi-body dynamics and 3d measurements is the basis for new measuring technologies that revolutionize inertia measurements in terms of highly reduced time consumption with simple hardware. Thus, a broad range of test objects from only a few grams up to several tons can be measured fast and easily – both at customer’s site and at the Resonic testing facilities in Berlin and Tokyo. Owing to the simple modular design of the measurement systems, the development and manufacturing of economic customized solutions is one of the greatest strengths of Resonic.

Clients include some of the largest car manufacturers, teams from the highest class in motor sports and clients from the aerospace sector.

After long term research activities, the company was founded as a spin-off of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Technische Universität Berlin at the beginning of 2011.

Robert KlöpperRobert Klöpper, Dr.Eng., is the CEO of Resonic GmbH. Prior do co-founding Resonic, Dr. Klöpper completed a doctorate and postdoctoral research at Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he specialized in structure dynamics, system identification, and measurement science. He is a graduated of the mechanical engineering departments of Karlsruhe University and of the French Grande École ENSAM. He graduated from ENSAM as the top of the class of 2006 (1139 graduates) and received the L'Oréal Award for outstanding results in the DEFIS program of Karlsruhe University.

Takayuki KawaguchiTakayuki Kawaguchi, Dr.Eng., is the CEO of Resonic Japan Ltd. He is a graduate of the Mechanical Engineering and Science Department of Tokyo Institute of Technology and has four years of experience as an applications and sales engineer in the automotive industry.

Professor Masaaki OkumaProfessor Masaaki Okuma, Dr.Eng., is a co-founder of Resonic Japan and a principal technical advisor to the company. He was born in 1956, Saitama, Japan. At the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) he graduated as Doctor of Engineering in "Substructure Synthesis Methods for Vibration Analysis." In 1983 he became assistant professor, in 1990 associate professor and in 2000 professor at TIT. His research field is structural dynamics, noise and acoustics, multi-body dynamics and also health monitoring. He is also famous as a author of several educational books.

  • Automax
  • CSL
  • Daimler AG
  • DLR
  • Honda R&D
  • Magna Steyr
  • Miele
  • Tecosim
  • Vibracoustic
  • Volkswagen AG

Selected Statements Selected Statements

Daimler AG
During the cooperation with Daimler AG, Resonic took up the challenge of measuring the inertia properties of a big engine-gear unit. Thanks to the simple modular construction of its measurement systems, Resonic succeeded in offering a customized system, which is adaptable to complex circumstances, in very little time.

Magna Steyr
Type of problem: Magna Steyr requires an on-site measurement with accurate results.
Advantages for Magna Steyr: thanks to the lightweight and compact construction of Resonic measurement systems, it is no problem to provide an on-site measurement and it only takes a few hours. “We have already performed simulations with the new mass properties and we have obtained a better comparison between measurement and computation for the no-load case”, says the satisfied customer.

Volkswagen AG
Type of problem: the limited number of prototypes have to be readily available for further tests, so a fast measurement system is required. The measurements have to be made in-house by members of Volkswagen´s staff.
Advantages for Volkswagen: thanks to using the Resonic-350 system, the whole measurement process of the prototype only takes a few hours. A quick briefing is sufficient for the staff to be able to take reliable measurements.